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Nonprofit Account Eligibility Criteria
To meet eligibility criteria, and in line with United Way’s mission, core values, and principles, all community organizations must meet the following criteria. Your organization:
is designated by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) (or other similar designation) nonprofit or faith-based organization or is a school, government agency, fraternal or civic organization, hospital, hospice or nursing home
does not withhold services based on membership or religious affiliation/participation
is not a political campaign
Please note that we do not recruit or refer volunteers to:
- work with private individuals independent of an agency
engage in political campaigns and partisan activities
participate in direct religious activity or proselytizing
replace paid workers
Organizations comprised entirely of volunteers, that exist for charitable purposes or for mutual support (e.g. PTO’s, neighborhood associations) who have not filed for tax exemption because they do not generate revenue may be considered as Partners on a case-by-case basis.